DelineJY is preparing for JJaku.com now. JJaku is almost ready to open Beta service.
It is a Microblog but it’s using brand new process of Group networking.
INCS (Inverse Creating Networking System) is the process. We first got the idea from yammer.com and tumblr.com.
SNS including Twitter, all need to make Follower or Following. At JJaku, you become a Follower and Following with everyone from the beginning. As for this business model, the first step is what we called Group based. Which means you should choose certain group when you register and everyone in that group will Following you and you will become a Follower of them automatically as soon as you register and choose a group. For example, if you choose your group as Sports group when you first register at JJaku, everyone who register in Sports group will view your post and you will also view their post too.
If you receive any advertising that you don’t want to receive or if there’s someone you don’t want to socialize with than you are able to block that member. Once you block the member, you will not receive their post anymore. And your post will be unable to view from them. Of course nobody will know who blocked them and I will also never know who blocked me.
We evaluate each posting how valuable that post is. If my post was valuable to many other people, I will get favorite point. If I get more favorite points, it means I am a member who posts many valuable postings. On the other hand it’s like you have a lot of Followers on Twitter.
We think each post should get their own values.
Users will create their own network from that basis. Anyway microblog is where people network more casually with simple and daily posts rather than something private.
You will receive everyone’s post and your post will send to everyone in your group. It is your opportunity to become popular member by posting valuable posts and create large network of your own by blocking someone and you been blocked.
Why don’t you try it yourself at the beta test? Try how JJaku is so effective and easy to create your own network so simply!
JJaku.com will start the beta test on 2009. Mar. 02. We are not sure what US market will say about it. But we are proud to our self that we are still keep on trying launching our product in US market. Our success will remain as a one great case if we success. Even if we fail, it will be still become a great lesson.
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