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2009년 1월 30일 금요일

Social networking + a purpose.

What a boom social networking had created. The impact of MySpace and Facebook was enormous and the ways of using them were countless. Not only did individuals use the services, but also businesses took great advantage of them.

And now, social networking is everywhere. Whether it's a photo service, video service, or a web bookmark, users are given the ability to communicate and discuss with others. At this point, a website that requires registration, but has no social networking feature look like black and white television (unless it's a banking or similar service of course).

To join the social networking business at current stage, a service would need more than just social networking features. Just sending messages and visiting profiles are not enough to keep users coming back. As a good example, I hardly ever visit Facebook anymore but go to MySpace, Flickr, and Plugat (besides work purposes) everyday. Because I produce music (occasionally) and love photography, I visit MySpace and Flickr to keep up with what other people similar to me are doing. My bookmarks and favorite web contents are collected at Plugat so I have to access it for my convenience. However, Facebook doesn't really provide a purpose for visit anymore. It was a great service to find friends that I had lost contact with, but now I've found most of them and communicate through Google Talk. So the only time I visit Facebook is when my friends tell me about events that they had gone through and I want to see the pictures. This happens once in about two weeks.

A purpose for users to visit is an essential factor in web service as well as the social networking feature. With either one absent, the service will have a hard time. For users, everything is getting easier and more enjoyable. But for developers...

2009년 1월 27일 화요일

DelineJY Inc.'s brand new social bookmarking service 'Plugat' beta launched.

Seoul (Korea Newswire) January 28, 2009 09:27 AM -- DelineJY Inc Korean corporation has announced on Jan. 27. they released beta version management and sharing based new social bookmarking service on Jan. 28.

Plugat estimated based on the fact that Yahoo's Delicious has leading the based social book marking service market but without any big improvement, they focused to developed easier, user friendly and simple to share. Managing folder and they added core function which is bookmarking service include pictures, video clips and any files.

Plugat will be launching officially in USA on Feb. 16. They will announce their launching with their partners in USA. Service will be in English and Spanish, Japanese and Chinese will be added by this year.

DelineJY Inc's CEO Jason Yang said, "As for World Internet tendency to produce more and more web contents, users will have difficulties of see and manage contents as the quantity of contents will increase. They will need services to manage efficiently then exist bookmarking service. To be a bookmarking like this, not only for website address, it should be all-in-one system to manage all kinds of pictures and video clips therefore we developed"

Also DelineJY Inc's CTO Jack Son focused to developed control system to unified various contents on the web to plugat+. Controlling and moving view and bookmarking system in one page is Plugat+'s competitive.

2009년 1월 24일 토요일

Finally! Finally!

Finally! Finally! We have completed our Plugat beta version!I am so glad to show it to the world in one piece even though we had to spend 26 hours straight.

Plugat is a beta version, it is launched with essential features preferentially.Search engine. toolbar, Plugat ranking system and mobile APPS will be developed and launched within 3 months and open to world.

Plugat is based on a Book marking model however it is far more innovated model than that, It is a service that can manage and share my Internet contents more effectively and conveniently.If you are a user who were having trouble or problem and inconvenience to use blogs, you will be very satisfy with the service.You won't be pressured by writing a column ans you will enjoy chat and share with people in the world.l keep on posting about more details at my blog. so Meanwhile I will open episodes and technical part at the company.So please pay attention to my story and enjoy it with us.Thanks.

Kristy Yoon

2009년 1월 22일 목요일

What should we call Plugat's service?

We're correcting bugs in Plugat and it will be up within a week.
But we don't have a name for its service yet.
Social bookmark was what we used up until now but the social bookmarking feature is just one of Plugat's features. I guess something more like 'social content box' would better describe Plugat.

2009년 1월 21일 수요일

Plugat is almost ready!!

Sociap still has a long way to go after 5 months.
So when will we be launching our first product?
Right after the Chinese new year.
Plugat will be launched as our first service.
I really have to say that it is beyond words
the feeling of having a product on the web that everyone in the world can use.
Finally we will find out how much the world agrees with us!

A shift in gears to Plugat!!!

While everyone was marinated in the overwhelming work load of, Jason managed remain creative and came up with an idea. His idea was a box where you could store anything you want from the internet, view them whenever you want to, and share your collection with friends.. It's like a social bookmark, but you'll be able to bookmark images and videos to view directly as contents. We're calling this service Plugat. It's not something huge and heavy, but it seems even more useful than Sociap. So we decided to put Sociap and Tookpic aside for a few weeks to materialize this idea of Plugat idea first. Plugat will be up and running on 24th of January. Check us out then at!

start! Deline.JY

Deline.JY Inc. is a start up, web service company founded on 1st of October, 2008.We are currently developing and which will launch for the US Market.

We believe the internet should be focused on information of each individual.This will make the internet more enjoyable and useful for the world.After six months, we have started a company blog.It will take much effort and we are worried because none of us have used anindependent blog before.In our blog, we will show you the process we've been through from the foundationof our company, our plans for and in the future, and whatbecomes of Deline.JY.

Deline.JY employees will show you what and is all about through daily records.Wouldn't it be interesting to here a about a company that nobody knows about?Happy new year!